The History of

"Logan Learning Lab" logo

The Lab launched ​student programming​ in the summer of 2018​ ​to make Logan’s unique model accessible to a greater number of underrepresented gifted students - students of  color and low-income students, who are both formally and informally identified - from  neighboring public schools.
While participating in the Lab, students learn on- and off-campus about units in an area of interest, and share their learning with others. Students take home portfolios of their work, get personal resources to help navigate their  schools/districts, and are offered additional optional cognitive testing at no cost.

Additionally, the cohort (students and their parents) gathers multiple times over the school  year to extend learning and build community. The program has been intentionally designed to help develop parent knowledge around their children’s learning styles, giftedness, and systems and processes of accessing gifted programs and supports. This, in addition to experiencing  a learner-centered model, can help parents reimagine what learning—and school!—can be, and help them build their own advocacy through this “two-generation” approach.Tuition, meals, and transportation are offered at no cost.

Lab Dates 2025

June 6th - 20th, 2025 (excluding weekends and June 19th, in observance of Juneteenth.

Interested in learning more about the student experience, the teacher fellowship, financially supporting this work or anything else regarding the Logan Learning Lab? We'd love to hear from you! Please contact us for more information.

"Before [my grandson] attended the lab, he had few words to say about school and his excitement centered around playtime and friendships. The summer he first attended the Logan Lab he was SO EXCITED and came home daily talking about what he was learning about and doing. I have never seen this sort of educational excitement before. At the end of the summer I asked him what his favorite part of the summer was and he quickly said, "The Logan Learning Lab" .

— Logan Learning Lab Grandparent

The Logan Learning Lab is Supported by The Logan School's Teacher Fellowship Program.

During the summer of 2020, The Logan School piloted​ ​a ​Teacher Fellowship Program​ with Denver Public Schools (DPS) and Clayton Early Learning. The long-term goal of the Fellowship is to offer authentic, professional development to public school teachers so they can learn the practices of co-designing learning with students.

An instructional coach will support Fellows over 13 months with an equity-focused design process to practice this work in the Lab, prototype it with their own community, and ultimately design new pilots at partner schools.

This Fellowship is an investment in the  groundwork for systems change ​through research and professional development that has the potential to shift the approach to both identifying and serving underrepresented gifted students in particular, ​and​ demonstrating concrete learner-centered practices and outcomes that can reshape our education system more broadly.

"The Logan Lab is important because it has provided my child with the tools and self confidence to embrace his creativity and intellect more. My son has shown skills of leadership, public speaking, acting, critical thinking and the ability to cultivate more with others. My son has expressed how much he loves going to the Logan Learning Lab and being around the other kids because that is his comfort-zone."

— Logan Learning Lab Parent

We look forward to hearing from you!

Whether you are interested in submitting an application for your child or teacher fellowship, or would just like to learn more, please let us know by filling out our Learning Lab Interest Form.

A collage featuring two students, in front of microscopes being used to examine natural objects such as a butterfly and a pinecone, layered over a background of colorfully, hand-drawn icons with the hand-written words "The moment was cool because I was sharing information with people".