By Mail

Please mail your gift to:
The Logan School for Creative Learning 
Attn: Development
1005 Yosemite Street Denver, CO 80230

Credit Card

Click here to donate by credit card!
You can still continue to donate through

Stocks and Securities

Contact the Development Office for more information about stock transfers.

Colorado childcare tax credit (CCTC)

Donations to The Logan Fund may be eligible for the CCTC on a first-come, first-served basis for gifts over $1000. Contact the the Development Office for more information before making your gift.


Logan is grateful for all in-kind gifts. In-kind giving allows our school to enhance the existing supplies, equipment, and tools that are beneficial to our school mission. Check with Development to ensure that your gift meets the current needs of the school. When giving in-kind gifts, please fill out this form with your gift


Leave your mark on the Logan Campus by purchasing an engraved 4x8 brick to be placed on The Logan School Boardwalk to honor a loved one or share your gratitude for a Logan community member.

Grocery Cards

The school receives a percentage from each certificate you purchase. Contact us at 303-340-2444 for more information.